#1 Best Security Solution

In Network Security:

Network Security has to evolve with the changing data security threats of today. SYATEX designs security solutions with the latest technologies to keep your organization safe from malicious activity. More than before, network security must to become application aware in order to mitigate application threats. 

SYATEX can build solutions to give companies complete control over applications, users and content. Combined with Role Based Access Control, our solutions will reduce the risks to any organization.

In Mobile Security:


Unified endpoint management (UEM)

Unified endpoint management (UEM) tools combine the management of multiple endpoint types in a single console 

UEM tools perform the following functions: 

  • Configure, manage, and monitor iOS, Android, Windows 10 and macOS, and manage some Internet of Things (IoT) and wearable endpoints.
  • Unify the applications of configurations, management profiles, device compliance and data protection 
  • Provide a single view of multidevice users, enhancing efficacy of end-user support and gathering detailed workplace analytics.
  • Act as a coordination point to orchestrate the activities of related endpoint technologies such as identity services and security infrastructure. Vendors in this market fall into two categories: those that are heavily invested in mobile and modern management with very little client management tool (CMT) functionality, and those that have integrated an existing CMT or explicitly built CMT features into their UEM 

In Security & Mail Gateway:

  • Secure Web Gateway solution protect Web Surfing PCs from infection and enforce company policies. A secure Web gateway is a solution that filter unwanted Software/Malware from user-initiatied Web/Internet traffic and enfores corporate and regulator policy compliance.
  • An email security gateway manages and filters all inbound and outbount email traffic to protect organizations from email-borne threats and data leaks. As a complete email management solution, the Email Security Gateway lets organizations encrypt messages and leverage the cloud to spool email if mail servers become unavailable.

What SYATEX can do

SYATEX can build solutions to give companies complete control over applications, users and content. Combined with Role Based Access Control, our solutions will reduce the risks to any organization.

SYATEX Solution works with multiple network security vendors that manufacturers enterprise-grade and commerical-grade Secure Web Gateway that include ForcePoint and Symantec Blue Coat

SYATEX stops threats before they hit the network of the organizations, Protects Sensitive Data 

Endpoint Encryption which protects your organization data if your device got lost or stolen